Export Page to PDF 🔥

Export Bubble page, single element or a list of elements to a high-quality PDF file 📄

Demo | Editor

Plugin page


🔥 Features

Very easy to use plugin with advanced settings:

  • Export one page element, a list of elements or the whole page to a PDF file

  • Export to a multipage or a single-page PDF

  • Flexible page layout settings: Predefined (A0-A10, letter, etc) and custom page formats; Page orientation; Margins

  • Plugin generates lightweight and excellent quality PDF files ready to print or to keep as a digital file

  • Fine control over PDF compression quality

  • Use any valid CSS selector to select elements to export

  • Download generated PDF file

  • Upload generated PDF file to Bubble (generate a URL)

📚 Documentation

➡️ PDF generation. Plugin fields

Pre-requirement: Install and configure Classify plugin

How to add a custom class or an ID to a Bubble element

1.Install the plugin and add the "PDF Converter" element on your page

2.Set an ID for the element you want to export. To export the whole page, use this special selector: .main-page.

3.From your Workflow, Call the "Convert" action:





Element(s) to capture


One or more comma-separated selectors. Each element will be exported to a separate page in the PDF document.

You can use any valid CSS selector (#eltID, .eltClassname, img etc). Use this special selector to export the entire Bubble page: .main-page

Save to file


Whether the generated file will be saved into a file and downloaded automatically

Generate URL


If "yes", the PDF file will be uploaded to Bubble filestorage



Output filename. Do not add ".pdf" at the end

Compress quality


Compress quality is a number in range [0..100]. It defines the output file size and quality

Page Layout

Page format


Predefined commonly used page formats



Page orientation (Portrait, Landscape)

Page fit mode


How the captured element will be rendered into the PDF page. Possible values are: fill, contain, scale-down, cover, none. Check the detailed description below

No page breaks mode


Applies to "full-width" mode only

Margins (left, right, top, bottom)


Page margins

Margin unit


Inches, Centimetres, Pixels, Points etc

Custom Page Size

Custom page size


Set to "yes" if you want to define custom page format

Page size(,)


Custom page size. Format: width,height. "Custom page size" field must be set to "yes".



Units for the custom page size: Inches, Centimetres, Pixels, Points etc




Automatically show the print dialog when file opened

Draw margin borders


Draw red borders to indicate the margins. For debug purposes

Use Proxy


Setting this field to Yes is particularly useful when your page contains images from external resources. Hint: set this field to Yes when the output PDF misses some images.


Create archive


Helps to decrease the output filesize. Useful to do before generating a URL

Archive filename


Filename without ".zip". Example: "output"

Related events:

  • PDF Generated

Related states:

  • PDF Generating (Yes/No)

  • PDF Generation Percentage (Number)

➡️ Page fit options

Page fit defines how the captured element will be rendered on the PDF page. Plugin supports 6 options: full-width, fill, contain, scale-down, cover, none. It works in the same way as the object-fit CSS attribute (check the CSS Demo section for a better undertanding).

If you are unsure about which option you have to choose, start from full-width or ontain.

➡️ How to upload PDF and generate a URL

1.Set the "Generate URL" field to "Yes"

2. Once the "URL generated" event triggers:

3. Access the "URL" shared state:

Now you can save the generated URL to database etc

Sometimes it's useful to archive the PDF before generating an URL to highly reduce the filesize. Set the "Create archive" to "YES" and optionally the "Archive filename" fields.

Related events:

  • URL Generated

Related states:

  • URL Generating (Yes/No)

  • URL (String)

Last updated